Happy Cesar Chavez Day! Posters and Flyers now available! Also, submit your science stories to be featured!

Looking to print March For Science – San Francisco flyers and posters? We have you covered! Big thanks to an amazing team of volunteer designers: Carree Michel, Gail Smith, Deborah Garber, Amy Tsai, Laura Rodil, and James Davidson. We encourage you to print any flyers you wish and post them around your local community to encourage participation with the March For Science!

Posters and flyers can be found here: https://marchforsciencesf.com/posters/

Additionally, we have adapted our posters into Spanish. We value and recognize the importance of diversity, inclusion, and outreach. Cesar Chavez is highly regarded as a civil rights activist and labor leader who fought for farm workers. The efforts of others and himself helped enable better conditions for many workers. That translated into better futures for their children in various professional fields and academia, including Science Technology Engineering Art and Math (STEAM).

Although we honor and recognize this particular day, this in no way means that today is the only day we stand for diversity and inclusion within STEAM. We hope to adapt posters in other languages as well. If you’re fluent in other languages, please connect with our team

También puedes encontrar posters en Español aquí: https://marchforsciencesf.com/posters-spanish/

Lastly, we would like to remind you to Submit Your Stories to be featured in this blog and on our social media! We are looking for your science stories, why you became interested in science, and your art or music that has been inspired by your passion for science! If you would like to share with us, please go to our submission page: https://marchforsciencesf.com/submit/


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